Three Breaths

Musings on code, management, and life

Recent posts

Jun 14, 2012
Stone Soup Development I consider myself lucky to work in an environment that not only follows, but embraces, Agile and XP practices.  We foll...
May 18, 2012
Why Katas The Merriam-Webster dictionary provides the following definition for [kata](
Apr 21, 2012
So Ends The Season of Ruby After a few false starts trying to get started with Ruby, I made a commitment [this year](/2011/12/23/i-hate-year-end-l...
Mar 19, 2012
The Non-Linear Nature of Learning Learning is a funny thing, rarely does our knowledge progress in a smooth, linear fashion.  I have been spending some o...
Mar 2, 2012
Season of Ruby - Things Are Starting To Click The danger with doing any online tutorial, even one as good as the [Michael Hartl Rails Tutorial](http://ruby.railstuto...